School Excitment -- Already!?

Yes indeedy. I'm already quite excited about beginning school again in the fall. It's not just because I'm rather sick of where I'm at ( though that's certainly a huge contributing factor ); I'm genuinely excited to be thriving in an academic environment again.

I keep seeing how excited my younger friends are to begin their first year at university and I can't help but catch that college-fever. I'm entering my sophomore year and depending on what I decide to do with my career path, I may be entering my second-to-last year at UA!

The view from my room last year! See that low rise below the tower?
That's where I'll be living this upcoming semester :)

I plan on (sadly) dropping my Italian minor at UA, making Women's Studies my dominant - and only!- minor. Then I'm majoring in Social Psychology and English. If I have to drop English to a minor in order to graduate by my junior year, I'm probably going to do it. I love English; it's an incredible passion of mine, and with the motivation that editing Gabbie's book has given me, I'd really love to have a degree on the side in case I want to pursue anything. But realistically, tuition is a lot of money. The quicker I get my bachelors, the quicker I can get started on graduate degrees and cut back on $26k in tuition.

It's just so exciting, scary, and confusing all wrapped in one little package. And of course, I love shopping for some new nifty things for university. I learned what you do and don't need at college during my first year so I'm looking forward to trying new things out. Not only that, but friendships of mine found a lot of unnecessary drama - that's what happens when you befriend guys who are cattier than any stereotypical girl - so I'm excited to get close to my new suitemates. And once my roommate situation gets fixed, I'll be super excited to get the good side of the dorm room, haha. Also, I really want to get involved in youth group at UA so I need to make that one happen.

The beautiful fountain smack in the middle of our campus.
Unfortunately, they're doing maintenance on it :(

The only issues I'm having are worrying about finding a job, about buying books, about having enough time to do everything and not have a nervous breakdown, and figuring out my majors/minors. But that's all the fun, I guess? :) OH. And I have about 200 articles of Feminisms that I need to re-read, so expect some article posts up in here!

Anyone who's gone through the process have any additional advice?

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